Thursday, May 19, 2011

iiB Dance Trip!!! 9/6/2011 (Thursday) , 10/6/2011 (Friday) , 11/6/2011 (Saturday)

Genting + Urban Groove Dance Workshop + R-16 South East Asia
Date :    9/6/2011 (Thursday) ,   10/6/2011 (Friday) ,  11/6/2011 (Saturday)

ONLY RM335  For Full Package

Full Package Has Include
-          Bus Travel
-          Genting Hotel (4 Person Per Room Without Breakfast)
-          Genting Theme Park Of Indoor & Outdoor
-          KL Hotel (4 Person Per Room With Breakfast)
-          3 Hours Of Urban Groove Dance Workshop (Choose Between Hip Hop + Popping / BBoy + Locking)
-          R-16 Entry Ticket
-          iiB T-Shirt (New Design – White Color)

RM300 Without iiB T-Shirt
RM280 Without iiB T-Shirt & Urban Groove Dance Workshop

More Info :
Alvin Ice (iiB) 012-4663518 (Organiser)
Soo (Fresh Beat) 012-4510595 (Penang Island)
Vron (D’Vol) 0134419018 (Bukit Mertajam)
Dephine (iLearn) 0164217765 (Butterworth)

Schedule :

600AM - Bus Will Depart From BM Area (D'Vol Dance Theatre) , Butterworth  Area (Pacific Megamall - Back Entrance) , Penang Island (Fresh Beat Dance Academy)
700AM - All Bus Will Gather At Pacific Megamall - Back Entrance
100PM - Check In Hotel In Genting
Free Time

1000AM   = Check Out & Gather In Lobby

A - Urban Groove Dance Workshop
100PM  - 200PM   = Lunch
300PM  - 430PM   = Hip Hop / BBoy
500PM  - 630PM   = Popping / Locking
700PM  - 900PM   = Cypher + Party + Sharing

B - Sunway Pyramid / Sunway Lagoon (Not Included)
100PM  - 200PM   = Lunch
300PM  - 900PM  = Free Time
900PM  - 1000PM = Depart From Front Entrance Of Sunway Pyramid To Asian Cafe For Dinner

All Together
1000PM - 1100PM = Dinner (Asian Cafe)
1200AM                   = KL Hotel Check In

700AM - 900AM   = Breakfast
1200PM                 = Hotel Check Out
100PM - 500PM    = Time Square / Sungai Wang / Pavilion
600PM - 1100PM  = R-16 South East Asia
1200AM Back From KL Estimate Will Reach Penang In 5AM

The Summit - Bukit Mertajam - BBoy Cypher + BBoy Battle + Popping + Locking
15/5/2011 Was A Chilling Dayz For iiB Family~ iiB Dance Community Have A  BBoy Cypher + BBoy Battle + Popping + Locking At The Summit - Bukit Mertajam Yo!!! Thx To Universal Squad , Attitude Rockers To Having The Show Together~ After The Showcase , We Going Jusco Aeon BM To Having Our Mocha At Starbucks For "Appetizer"... HaHa... Then We Spend 2 Hours There & Going To Having Dinner At Butterworth Together!!! After The Full Dinner , We Gonna Rock The "Thor" In Cinema Pacific Megamall~ After "Thor"... We Having Our Supper At Sunway MC'D... Dope Chilling Dayz With Only EAT EAT EAT & EAT!!!

Dancer :

Photo : 



Sunday, May 8, 2011

What Is Girl Syle?
Video : 

Girl Style



What Is Locking?
English :
Locking (originally Campbellocking) is a style of funk dance, which is today also associated with hip hop. The name is based on the concept of locking movements, which basically means freezing from a fast movement and "locking" in a certain position, holding that position for a short while and then continuing in the same speed as before. It relies on fast and distinct arm and hand movements combined with more relaxed hips and legs. The movements are generally large and exaggerated, and often very rhythmic and tightly synced with the music. Locking is quite performance oriented, often interacting with the audience by smiling or giving them a high five, and some moves are quite comical in nature. A dancer who performs locking is called a locker. Lockers commonly use a distinctive dress style, such as colorful clothing with stripes and suspenders.
Locking was originally danced to traditional funk music, such as that produced or performed by James Brown. Funk music is still commonly favored by locking dancers, and used by many competitions such as the locking division of Juste Debout. Locking movements create a strong contrast towards the many fast moves that are otherwise performed quite continuously, combined with mime style performance and acting towards the audience and other dancers. Locking includes quite a lot of acrobatics and physically demanding moves, such as landing on one's knees and the split. These moves often require knee protection of some sort.

Chinese :
Locking 這種舞風是由The Lockers 這個團體發明的,在1969年的時候,有一個住在洛杉磯的年輕黑人,叫做DonCampbell,他發明了一種新的舞蹈叫做Campbellock ( 根據於他自己的紀錄 "Do theCampbellock",便以之為名 )。Don Campbell他創造了一種流動性的機械舞蹈動作,包含了身體整體性的控制並且混合了野性的跳法,像踢踏舞中不受控制的身體移動加上準確的停點與啟動動作,並添加了漫畫般的表情以及小丑般的服裝,發展出了一套全新的舞蹈風格,到目前還不斷的發展中,這就是我們現在口中的---Locking。 Locking神奇的地方在於身體的控制,它讓人看起來就像是一個失去控制的木偶,又突然恢復控制,造成觀眾在視覺上的一種錯覺,更會讓第一次看到這種舞蹈的人嘖嘖稱奇。在70年代早期,Don Campbell 將它的團員稱做是 "The Lockers",The Lockers穿著麵包鞋、鮮豔有條紋的襪子、又大又鮮豔的蝶形領結、巨大的Apple Boy Hat,以及白手套,這些服裝在今日跳Locking的舞者們身上都還很常見,也構成了Hip-Hop 文化中很重要的一個部分。當時的流行音樂,如Funk、Soul,這些在今日看起來都是老的不能在老的音樂,卻都還被今日的舞者們所喜愛,因為跳Locking的這些舞者認為,要用當時的音樂來跳,才真正能夠跳出Locking 的精神,如果用現今的音樂如R&B等柔和的音樂,便無法表現出Locking 的滑稽和靈魂。

Photo :  

Don Campbell

The Lockers

Locker (Male)

Locker (Female)

Video :

Don Campbell 

The Lockers

Showcase (Male)

Showcase (Female)


Battle (Female VS Male)

What Is The Funk & Funky By Tony GoGo

Saturday, May 7, 2011

What Is Popping?
English :
Popping is a dance style and one of the original funk styles of dance that is thought to have come from Fresno, California during the 1960s-70s. It is based on the technique of quickly contracting and relaxing muscles to cause a jerk in the dancer's body, referred to as a pop, tick or a hit. This is done continuously to the rhythm of a song in combination with various movements and poses. Popping is also used as an umbrella term to refer to a group of closely related illusionary dance styles and techniques that are often integrated with popping to create a more varied performance, but it is distinct from breaking, with which popping is often confused. A popping dancer is commonly referred to as a popper.
When used as a hip hop dance style, popping is usually performed in a battle (also known as a competitive jam), where participants try to outperform each other in front of a crowd. This gives room for improvisation and the performance of moves that are seldom seen in shows and performances (also referred to as freestyling). As a street dance it also encourages the dancer to interact with the other dancers and spectators.

Chinese :
住在加州Fresno的Sam在電視上看到Original Lockers的表演後,給予了他創造新舞蹈的靈感。而Sam也於1975年開始把他所發明的舞步集合在一起,這些舞步也變成了大家現在看到的 Boogaloo或是Boog Style。Boogaloo這個名稱來自於James Brown的一首老歌”Do The Boogaloo”。有一天Sam在家裡跳舞的時候被他的叔叔看到,他叔叔對著他說:「Boy, do that boogaloo!」,Sam當時一臉疑惑的問他叔叔說:「What's boogaloo? 」。 他叔叔回答他說:「That means you're gettin down」(在此表示你在跳屬於你的舞步),而在此之後Sam也得到了”Boogaloo Sam”的封號。

有許多人都不知道Boogaloo Style是什麼樣的舞蹈更別說懂得如何去跳Boogaloo。 Boogaloo其實是舞風很流暢的的舞蹈而且同時間會用到身體的每一個部位,舞者會作出不同的身體角度加上流暢的銜接動作讓所有舞步表現出順暢的連續性,而銜接動作常常會用到臀部、膝蓋或是頭部的旋轉動作。Boogaloo舞者也常常會作出奇怪的腿部動作加上用”walkout”這個舞步或是其他舞步的變換來游走於舞台上的空間。 雖然Boogaloo被形容為舞風流暢,但是千萬不要把它與”Waving”混為一談。

Popping 是另外一個由Sam所創的風格,不過有很多人誤以為popping就是指所有從(1970年代的加州) Funk movement中所創出的舞蹈。事實並不然,Popping本身就是一個獨特舞蹈,popping舞者會對著音樂中的節拍迅速的將微彎的腿打直以及在瞬間收縮放鬆身體特定部位的肌肉來帶出一種突然停止的效果。

Sam跳舞時總是會在他每次對節拍收放自己肌肉時用氣音唸出”pop”這個字,這有點像有些人在跳Robot時自己發出假裝機械的運作聲。也因為Sam會不斷的念著”pop, pop, pop”,有些人就會對著他說: 「Hey do that popping stuff!」。有很多人會問Electric Boogaloo style是怎樣的風格,Electric Boogaloo style其實是將popping與boogaloo兩種舞風結合在一起。 這兩種舞風可以相輔相成並且已成為全世界許多舞者眾所皆知Electric Boogaloo團體的象徵性舞風

Photo :

Boogaloo Sam

The Electronic Boogaloo Lockers
(From Left - Mr Wiggles , Poppin Pete , Skeeter Rabbit , Suga Pop)
(Middle - Boogaloo Sam) 


Female Popper

Video : 

Boogaloo Sam

Electric Boogaloo

Female Popper


Battle (Female)


What Is BBoying?
English : 
B-boying, often called "breakdancing", is a popular style of street dance that was created and developed as part of hip-hop culture among African Americans and, later, among Latino youths in New York City. The dance consists of four primary elements: toprock, downrock, power moves and freezes/suicides. It is danced to both hip-hop and other genres of music that are often remixed to prolong the musical breaks. The musical selection for b-boying is not restricted to hip-hop music as long as the tempo and beat pattern conditions are met. A practitioner of this dance is called a b-boy, b-girl, or breaker. These dancers often participate in battles, formal or informal dance competitions between two individuals or two crews. Although the term "breakdance" is frequently used, "b-boying" and "breaking" are the original terms used to refer to the dance. These terms are preferred by the majority of the art form’s pioneers and most notable practitioners. Though widespread, the term "breakdancing" is looked down upon by those immersed in hip-hop culture. "Breakdancer" may even be used disparagingly to refer to those who learned the dance for personal gain rather than commitment to hip-hop culture. The terms 'b-boys', 'b-girls', and 'breakers' are the preferred terms to use to describe the dancers. The "b-boys" and "b-girls" were the dancers to Herc's breaks, who were described as "breaking". The obvious connection is to the breakbeat, but Herc has noted that "breaking" was also street slang of the time meaning "getting excited", "acting energetically" or "causing a disturbance". B-boy London of New York City Breakers and filmmaker Michael Holman refer to these dancers as “breakers”. Frosty Freeze of Rock Steady Crew says, “we were known as b-boys”, and hip-hop pioneer Afrika Bambaataa says, “b-boys, [are] what you call break boys… or b-girls, what you call break girls.” In addition, Santiago "Jo Jo" Torres (co-founder of Rock Steady Crew), Mr. Freeze of Rock Steady Crew and hip-hop historian Fab 5 Freddy use the term “b-boy”, as do rappers Big Daddy Kane[5] and Tech N9ne.
The dance itself is properly called "breaking" according to rappers such as KRS-One, Talib Kweli, Mos Def, and Darryl McDaniels of Run-DMC in the breaking documentary The Freshest Kids. Afrika Bambaataa, Fab 5 Freddy, Michael Holman, Frosty Freeze, and Jo Jo use the original term "b-boying". Purists consider "breakdancing" an ignorant term invented by the media that connotes exploitation of the art.

Chinese :
B-boy是像Breaking一样众所皆知的hip hop舞蹈 它是由 top or up rock、footwork、spinning moves(power moves)、and freeze几个动作所组成。B-boying来自纽约的布隆克斯。而B-boy或B-boying的说法是由一个叫Kool Herc每天在布隆克斯"磨"唱盘的DJ延展出来的。B-boys就是叫那些专在音乐中停格的部分中跳舞的人。(或许我们可以说,那些专攻Old school系列尤其是BREAKIN的舞者,就叫B-BOY。)接着,再加上DJ一直重复着这种音乐节奏,于是使得breakbeats就此诞生。虽然人们倾向于探知power moves这方面上,而真正的b-boys应精通所有b-boying的原理。 现在有二种型式的b-boys。 一种是注重在强调power moves和他们的合并上。而另一种则是注重在强调footwork和freeze上面。Rock Steady Crew是强调footwork来显示舞者的个人风格。纵使power moves有一种强大的冲击并且相当充满活力,但要将个人风格融入这些动作是很难的。而在spinning的时候,power moves实在无法和节拍一起融入。这反而有点近似体操的动作,而不像在跳舞。因为这些因素,Rock Steady Crew便提出强调footwork型式的是倾向于九○年的breaking。Breaking是hip hop dancing中最广受欢迎的型式,而正当new school dancing如hip hop和house有限的传至USA和Japan一些大城市的同时,它已经蔓延至全世界。   
由来:他们的舞蹈被称为Good Foot。是从James Brown的唱片(纪录)而取同名。Good Foot是第一个自由式舞蹈,其包含着drops和spins的动作,还有着和breaking初期相似的舞步。 叙述Good Foot最好的方法便是根据Michael Holman,他想象在阅兵大典里女鼓队队长高高踢起的正步,这个动作让他觉得像在鼓队节奏中的静止动作。当DJ们发明新方法去延长唱片中停格的拍子时,舞者们便有更多的时间去发明和尝试新舞步。很快地,dropping down to the ground and poppin up again on beat变成这种舞标准的舞步,并且昵称第一代的b-boys为boie-oie-oings。当boie-oie-oings开始手臂撑着身体以使脚和腿能做近似体操舞步的同时,footwork开始流行。同时,在布鲁克林一个新舞步开始产生,叫做Brooklyn Rock Uprocking。他们一样被知晓。  
第一代有名的b-boy是"Nigger Twins","Clark Kent","Zulu Kings"三人,在大约1977年代时,breaking在黑人小孩间慢慢失去流行,且几乎消声逆迹。无论如何,breaking又再度被新一代的b- boy带起。由一个叫作Puerto Rican的人重新注入新生命和带入另一种境界。他们开始在breaking里头加入许多更高难度的特技体操,且发明出许多新的动作。如Jimmy Lee和Joe Joe指导的Crazy Leg、和原Rock Steady Crew的成员研发出的backspins、windmills。我想说明的是,也有其它来自纽约的breakers,他们应也有b-boying的支持者。另外,李小龙和其它功夫明星、尚武者,对b-boying的文化也有深远的影响。在七○年中末期,功夫影片流行于全世界之际,对纽约的b- boying尤其有影响。许多的武打动作已经并入b-boying里面。举例而言,功夫中用来从地板翻起的动作,若一直重复就是现在的 windmills。在八○年代时,b-boying变得更受欢迎。   
这要推究于1983年Flashdance(闪舞)这部电影。( 其实在{闪舞}之前也有两部片子,但{闪舞}算是第一个以b-boying为特色的电影。虽然,它不是个专以b-boying为主的电影。)但影片中有一小段在街上以b-boying和popping为特色的部分,就足够让全世界的人印象深刻而开始玩b-boying了。继{闪舞}之后许多 breaking的电影也相继拍成。如"Breakin"、"breaking2" 和" Beat Street"。"Beat Street" 其中一段Rock Steady Crew和New york city breakers街舞的那一幕,也是使这部片让人印象深刻的原因。而b-boying变得如此流行要拜广大的媒体所赐,而就是因为有太多媒体的宣传,反而使得电视的媒体开始停止播放有关b-boying方面的东西,这样反而让有些人误认为b-boying也只是一种一时间的狂热而已。随即,有许多人开始认为b-boying已消失了。所以,一些b-boys开始停止让大众媒体影响b-boying,也避免让大众媒体扭曲b-boying。1985年或 1986年后,b-boying在冬天时曾昙花一现。  
然而,约在1990年时,b-boying又再度复活起来。 大家都不太明白到底是因为什么原因,但可以 确定的是,是那些从没有放弃过b-boying的支 持者带起来的。就我所知,加州是最早再度使 b-boying流行的地方。
而现今,B-BOY SUMMIT和 ROCK STEADY ANNIVERSARY这些b-boys所 举办的比赛,每年都会举行,且吸引着全世界 许许多多的b-boys聚集在一起,以保留其文化, 甚至试着去 达到另一个境界。
B-BOY其实就是Breaking Boy的简写,意思是街舞里玩技巧的。其实也可理解为体操舞蹈加入HIP-HOP元素等,跳起来看上去洒脱,有难度,给人震撼人心的感觉!

Photo : 

New York City Breaker

Rock Steady Crew

Top Rock




Old Man (No Age Limit!!!)

Video : 

Top Rock

Foot Work

Crew Showcase


Battle (BGirl)