Saturday, May 7, 2011

What Is Popping?
English :
Popping is a dance style and one of the original funk styles of dance that is thought to have come from Fresno, California during the 1960s-70s. It is based on the technique of quickly contracting and relaxing muscles to cause a jerk in the dancer's body, referred to as a pop, tick or a hit. This is done continuously to the rhythm of a song in combination with various movements and poses. Popping is also used as an umbrella term to refer to a group of closely related illusionary dance styles and techniques that are often integrated with popping to create a more varied performance, but it is distinct from breaking, with which popping is often confused. A popping dancer is commonly referred to as a popper.
When used as a hip hop dance style, popping is usually performed in a battle (also known as a competitive jam), where participants try to outperform each other in front of a crowd. This gives room for improvisation and the performance of moves that are seldom seen in shows and performances (also referred to as freestyling). As a street dance it also encourages the dancer to interact with the other dancers and spectators.

Chinese :
住在加州Fresno的Sam在電視上看到Original Lockers的表演後,給予了他創造新舞蹈的靈感。而Sam也於1975年開始把他所發明的舞步集合在一起,這些舞步也變成了大家現在看到的 Boogaloo或是Boog Style。Boogaloo這個名稱來自於James Brown的一首老歌”Do The Boogaloo”。有一天Sam在家裡跳舞的時候被他的叔叔看到,他叔叔對著他說:「Boy, do that boogaloo!」,Sam當時一臉疑惑的問他叔叔說:「What's boogaloo? 」。 他叔叔回答他說:「That means you're gettin down」(在此表示你在跳屬於你的舞步),而在此之後Sam也得到了”Boogaloo Sam”的封號。

有許多人都不知道Boogaloo Style是什麼樣的舞蹈更別說懂得如何去跳Boogaloo。 Boogaloo其實是舞風很流暢的的舞蹈而且同時間會用到身體的每一個部位,舞者會作出不同的身體角度加上流暢的銜接動作讓所有舞步表現出順暢的連續性,而銜接動作常常會用到臀部、膝蓋或是頭部的旋轉動作。Boogaloo舞者也常常會作出奇怪的腿部動作加上用”walkout”這個舞步或是其他舞步的變換來游走於舞台上的空間。 雖然Boogaloo被形容為舞風流暢,但是千萬不要把它與”Waving”混為一談。

Popping 是另外一個由Sam所創的風格,不過有很多人誤以為popping就是指所有從(1970年代的加州) Funk movement中所創出的舞蹈。事實並不然,Popping本身就是一個獨特舞蹈,popping舞者會對著音樂中的節拍迅速的將微彎的腿打直以及在瞬間收縮放鬆身體特定部位的肌肉來帶出一種突然停止的效果。

Sam跳舞時總是會在他每次對節拍收放自己肌肉時用氣音唸出”pop”這個字,這有點像有些人在跳Robot時自己發出假裝機械的運作聲。也因為Sam會不斷的念著”pop, pop, pop”,有些人就會對著他說: 「Hey do that popping stuff!」。有很多人會問Electric Boogaloo style是怎樣的風格,Electric Boogaloo style其實是將popping與boogaloo兩種舞風結合在一起。 這兩種舞風可以相輔相成並且已成為全世界許多舞者眾所皆知Electric Boogaloo團體的象徵性舞風

Photo :

Boogaloo Sam

The Electronic Boogaloo Lockers
(From Left - Mr Wiggles , Poppin Pete , Skeeter Rabbit , Suga Pop)
(Middle - Boogaloo Sam) 


Female Popper

Video : 

Boogaloo Sam

Electric Boogaloo

Female Popper


Battle (Female)


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